Hypnosis in Superphysics...
One of the varied topics in Superphysics is the use or misuse of Hypnosis as a form of Mind Control in Humen. Hypnosis uses a belief element in controlling the brain by a remote source. Sometimes this takes the form of a story-based education, as with religion or mythology (Bible, Quran, etc.). Activity ranges from sending an operant to kill or destroy something, to performing an unconscious action that may be legal or illegal. It will not be against morality in some cases, as this is usually hard-coded in the mind since childhood. Converting atheists, who have no programmed sense of morality, is easier than from other religions. Some Arab terrorist groups currently employ such people. Activity is often signaled in the brain by use of a symbol or key word. Hypnosis in Humen takes about 1 hour to complete, including the use of key words, programmed instruction, and the initial mental ‘sleep’ necessary to access the unconscious mind.
Wiki on Hypnosis
Wiki on Mind Control
(From Wikipedia):
Hypnosis (from the Greek hypnos, "sleep") is "a trance-like state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject.”
Main article: History of hypnosis
A part of healing from ancient times, hypnosis is the induction of trance states and the use of therapeutic suggestion, which was a central feature of the ancient Egyptian and Indian sleep temples as well as Greek healing temples, and variations of these techniques were practiced throughout the world.
Hypnotic susceptibility is the measurable responsiveness that a person has to hypnosis. Not all people can be hypnotized, but about 10% of people respond exceptionally well.
Successful hypnosis is attained by the removal of inhibitory fear. With fear removed, most individuals can be deeply hypnotized in 5-10 seconds.
Self-hypnosis (or auto suggestion) — hypnosis in which a person hypnotizes himself or herself without the assistance of another person to serve as the hypnotist — is a staple of hypnotherapy-related self-help programs. It is most often used to help the self-hypnotist stay on a diet, overcome smoking or some other addiction, or to generally boost the hypnotized person's self-esteem.
Mind control (or "brainwashing") techniques are supposedly able to subvert an individual's control of their own thinking, behavior, emotions, or decisions.
The question of mind control has been discussed in conjunction with religion, politics, prisoners of war, totalitarianism, neural cell manipulation, cults, terrorism, torture, parental alienation, and even battered person syndrome.
M7 2008.
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